International Journal of Diverse Discourses
Peer Review Process
The IJDD employs double-blind peer review processes to evaluate the submitted papers to ensure the quality of the Journal. All papers submitted to the journal need to be separated into two files, one without the authors' name, and the other with the authors'. Only papers without authors will be sent to peer reviewers to undergo the reviewing processes.
The peer-review process works as outlined below. It is expected to be completed within 8 weeks for articles selected for publication.
Submission of an original manuscript via electronic online submission;
Quick judgment by the Managing Editor of whether the manuscript fits the Aims and Scopes of the Journal. If it does not, the Author will be notified immediately with an e-mail of rejection;
The assignment will be sent to the Journal Editor;
The Journal editor will decide, based on the Aims and Scopes of the Journal and the quality of argumentation and the text in general, whether the manuscript is fit to undergo the peer review process;
Where a manuscript shows promise but suffers from severe problems (textual or otherwise), the Journal editor(s) may send the manuscript back to the author(s) for corrections and upgrading;
The Journal editor(s) select a minimum of 2 competent reviewers in the field and send them the manuscript aiming at the 3 to 4-week review. Selection of the reviewers will occur when the manuscript is accepted for the process's peer review phase. The reviewers provide a recommendation to the editors, justifications, and suggestions (if appropriate) and place the manuscript into one of the following categories:
( ) Accept submission
( ) Revision Required
( ) Reject and Resubmit for reviews
( ) Reject & submit elsewhere
The Journal editor makes decisions based on the Reviewers’ Comments and his own judgment: reject & submit elsewhere, reject & resubmit, minor revisions, major revisions, or accept.
The paper is either accepted for final publication or sent back to the authors for minor or major revision (with readability improvement suggestions by the editors), or else it is rejected.
On receipt of the corrected manuscript, the editorial team finalized the formatting and provided all necessary changes have been made; the manuscript is published in the journal.
Every effort will be made to publish accepted manuscripts within an 8-week window.
Linguistics , Literature , Education , Psychology , Sociology , Philosophy , Dramatics , Cultural Studies , History
Acceptance Rate: Not count yet
Time to First Decision: 7 days
Review Time: 75 days
Submission to Acceptance: 82 days
Acceptance to Publication: 8 days
Total Visitors: Auto
Number of Reviewers: 78
Contributing Countries: 11